Monday, February 27, 2012

Journal #7

1) Symbolism: "This business of the head-rag irked her endlessly. But Jody was set on it" (Hurston, 55). The head-rag that Janie wears when she is married to Jody is an important symbol that represents power. Jody uses the head-rag to control Janie and make sure that she remains like a mule led by him. The head-rag also represents the fact that Jody begins to see Janie as an old person and that she has to cover her hair not only because of jealousy, but because he wants to make her feel as someone that doesn't attract anyone. "The other women had on percale and calico with here and there a headrag among the older ones" (Hurston, 41). In the beginning when Jody married Janie, he wanted Janie to feel higher ranking than all the other women in the town. Old women were described wearing head-rags and now that he wants her to wear a head-rag shows that he see's her as an old woman which creates a conflict between them.      
2) Personification: "The sea was walking the earth with a heavy heel" (Hurston, 162). This is an important personification because it represents the power of the sea that was being foreshadowed since the beginning of the book. It is a connection to the hurricane and how much pressure the hurricane puts on the earth with the use of water. It shows the strength of water in nature and the way if affects it. It shows that water can be a good and a bad thing. It can be good during droughts, and for plants and humans and animals, but when it is in a big quantity, it becomes a lot of pressure of the earth like someone wearing high heels standing on someone else's foot.

3)Simile: "Then Joe Starks realized all the meaning and his vanity bled like a flood" (Hurston, 79). This quote is a great reflection of a simile and the feelings of Joe. Joe realized the effect of him being faced by someone that is supposed to be weaker than him. He saw himself put down and lowered by his own wife in front of an audience and that cut his vanity causing it to bleed. He saw all his hard work and control to achieve this just torn apart by Janie because she refused to be insulted as an old woman. This shows the feeling a controller goes through once something they don't want to hear happens, and that they are not strong unless everyone bows to them and respects them like a King.

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