Thursday, May 17, 2012

Journal #12- Antigone

Anouilh create a tension between the contrasting idea of truth vs. lies when Creon talks about the story of Eteocles and Polynices.  When Creon starts out by revealing the true story of Polynices, Antigone immeditiately reacts by saying "That's a lie" (39). She immediately sets this border and concretes herself to the idea that her Uncle hates Polynices which is why he is attacking and blaming him. But as the story continues, and Eteocles gets revealed as a traitor too, Antigone begins to rethink her death and whether she really wants to die or not. The fact that the people of Thebes were told a lie about Eteocles and Polynices creates a tension between Antigone and Creon as the truth is revealed,  but it also creates a tension within Antigone herself in whether she should trust her uncle, or since he lied to the entire city of Thebes, he would probably be lying to her too just to keep is power and help his son. The idea of truth vs. lies creates a tension between Creon and Antigone because Creon is a King that should be trusted since what he says is what should be the truth, but he is revealing to Antigone a lie he created so that he can keep his power and loyalty and not show the entire city of Thebes that all his family members were traitors. This way, he makes sure that he reveals only Polynices was a traitor and represents himself as a great King that helped give Eteocles what he deserved as a great ex-king, and give Polynices what he deserved, which is rot without getting buried. Creon seems to be ashamed that he has to reveal this which creates this tension, but he does it in order that he keeps Antigone living for his son. Antigone on the other hand is somewhat shocked to hear this because she did not expect this story to be true at all. But a tension grows because she is not sure on whether this is a true story and its worth her while to listen to Creon and take back her actions, or what he is saying is something to keep Antigone alive so that he can have a future King when Haemon marries Antigone and they have a child.
Therefore the conflicting idea of truth vs. lies bombards the audience on what to expect happen next because we don't know who to trust or not to trust and what will happen or how will it change the characters thoughts or actions since a truth was revealed to them, but we are not sure if it is actually the truth or just a trick.

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